Garden vegetables

Save Money by Starting a Victory Garden

During this time of sheltering in place, many folks are looking for outdoor activities that aren’t too costly. Consider planting a victory garden.

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Published Jul 1, 2020 in: Budgeting

Read time: 3 minutes

What is a Victory Garden?

Victory gardens first started in World War I. The government encouraged Americans to plant these types of gardens to help supplement their rations. They became a popular way to help people eat better, save money, and reduce the burden on food supplies. The other benefit was that it became a morale booster during the war. While we are currently not at war with people, we can feel that we are at war with the Covid-19 virus. That is why this type of gardening is making a comeback as folks are using their yards and community gardens called P-Patches to grow food and find positive ways to spend their time.

Start with gardening in small spaces

You can grow vegetables in containers or in vertical gardens.
Even if you are a beginner gardener and don't have much space or even a yard, there are ways that you can start growing your own food. Consider container gardening, you can use pots to grow several vegetables and herbs, and they look great on a balcony or a patio. There are also very inventive gardening by using upside-down empty gallon milk containers zip-tied to a fence to create a vertical garden. So take a look around your home and see what you can repurpose and use to grow your garden. You might even surprise yourself by your ingenuity.

You can grow vegetables in containers or in vertical gardens.

How can I start gardening?

Still, it can be a bit overwhelming to start gardening and figuring out where to put the plants, what soil to use, or what to grow first. One tip is to start small and only pick two or three of your favorite veggies to plant. The most popular vegetables to start with are tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, or zucchinis. If you plan zucchinis, make sure to check on them often. They can grow very big, very fast! Of course, if your garden kicks off, then you can share your bounty with your friends and neighbors.

When is the best time to plant in my area?

Want to plant a bigger garden and need to know what plants work best in our areas based on the climate? Then you will want to find out what your planting zone is. This information can help you figure out which plants work best in your garden. By planting those types of plants that work best in your zone, those plants have a better chance to thrive. Also, by knowing your zone, you can learn your frost dates and what time of the year it is best to plant to avoid your plants getting damaged by frost.

What are the benefits of gardening?

There are many benefits to gardening. Here are just a few:

  • Gardening is an excellent opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, especially on days with nice weather.
  • Soak up some vitamin D as an energy booster.
  • Spend time with your family on gardening projects.
  • Garden with your kids to encourage them to eat better and help them enjoy the satisfaction of watching something they planted to grow.
  • Stress relief! Gardening is also proven to reduce stress and can encourage a healthier diet. Save money by growing your own groceries. The added perk is that organically grown vegetables always taste better from your own garden.

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