Business Checking and Savings

Business Checking

Flexible checking account options to match your business needs.

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Checking Rates

APY Effective 2/1/2025*


Business Interest Checking

*See Business Account Disclosure for details

Flexible Business Checking Accounts

We offer two business checking options, basic and interest, that are designed to meet the needs of your business operations.

Business Checking Features

All business checking accounts come with:

  • No monthly maintenance fees, no charge on electronic debits and credits, and no foreign transaction fees1.
  • Free bill payment, and online, mobile2 and telephone banking.
  • High-speed online and remote check deposits.
  • Free business ATM, debit and deposit-only ATM card(s).

Business Checking Earnings and Transaction Fees

Business Basic Checking Business Interest Checking
Transaction Fees

Combined account balances of <$25,000: 350 transactions per month without a fee, $0.20 per item thereafter.*

Combined account balances of >$25,000: 600 transactions per month without a fee, $0.20 per item thereafter.*

Combined account balances of <$25,000: 200 transactions per month without a fee, $0.20 per item thereafter.*

Combined account balances of >$25,000: 450 transactions per month without a fee, $0.20 per item thereafter.*

*See Business Account Disclosure for details.

Regarding transaction fees mentioned above, your combined account balances are the combination of the average balance of your deposits, outstanding loans and outstanding lines of credit. The larger your relationship with us (i.e. deposits and loans), the more free transactions you get per month!

APY = Annual Percentage Yield; rates subject to change, fees may reduce earnings. A Member Share Savings account is required to establish membership.

A Business Member Share Savings account is required to establish membership.

0.20% currency conversion fee may be included in the purchase or withdrawal's overall total when using a debit card; however, the fee will be refunded within 3 business days contingent upon the account being open at the time of refund.

Balance is the average balance of the combined checking, savings, money market and CD accounts plus the outstanding principal balance of any loan and line of credit accounts. Accounts are considered combined if linked to the same tax ID.

Airtime, data usage and minutes of use may be billed by your mobile provider.

*Includes debits, checks, and all deposit items combined. Please note the following transaction types have no threshold and no per item fee: all electronic debits/credits including debit card, ACH, wires, transfers, bill payment and ATM withdrawals. Deposits made using online banking or an ATM, the entire transaction is considered one deposited item.