Image shows two BECU ATMs side-by-side inside a BECU location.

BECU ATMs Are Getting an Upgrade

Changes are coming to BECU ATMs that will enhance security and the member experience. The upgrade will be implemented in phases expected to begin this spring. All our ATMs should be upgraded by early summer.

System Update

We're preparing to transition our ATMs to a new operating system because support for the current system will soon end. This upgrade will ensure that our ATM network remains secure and up to date.


We're also making some other changes based on feedback from members about how we can improve the ATM experience. Our goal was to keep the screens consistent with the way they look today to make it easier for members to adjust when the changes are implemented. BECU ATMs will be mostly the same after this upgrade, but with some enhancements.

ATM Screen Display

  • Increased color contrast to aid in on-screen visibility.
  • On-screen selections are highlighted in red so they're easier to see.
  • Modern interface that mimics smart phone devices. 


  • Make multiple check and cash deposits without removing your debit card. 
  • Deposit up to 10 checks or 30 bills at a time.  


  • New feature: suggests a mix of bills based on the selected amount and bills in stock. 
  • Built-in calculator keeps track of the dollar amount as you change the bill mix.
  • Modify the bill mix by tapping the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons on the screen.

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